出版著作 [1] 惯性器件及系统测试技术, 哈尔滨工程大学出版社,2013; [2] 运载体姿态检测与控制技术,哈尔滨工业大学出版社,2017。
发表论文 [1] 何昆鹏*; 吴简彤; 胡文彬; 周雪梅. 船用武器捷联姿态基准系统快速传递对准方法研究,中国惯性技术学报 ,2003-06 [2] 何昆鹏*; 吴简彤; 曾建辉. 挠性陀螺系统不对称性误差研究, 中国惯性技术学报 2006/06 [3] Kunpeng He*, Hua Sun, Wanjuan Cheng. Application of fuzzy neural network based on T-S model for mobile robot to avoid obstacles[P]. Intelligent Control and Automation, 2008. WCICA 2008. 7th World Congress on,2008. [4] He K *, Gao Y , Sun H . A Fuzzy Neural Network Based on T-S Model for Mobile Robots to Avoid Obstacles.[C]// International Conference on Intelligent Robotics & Applications. Springer-Verlag, 2008. [5] Dexin Xu, Kunpeng He*, Yanbin Gao, Jianhui Zeng. New type computer system design for inertial navigation system[P]. Intelligent Control and Automation, 2008. WCICA 2008. 7th World Congress on,2008. [6] 何昆鹏*; 吴俊伟; 李光春.光纤捷联惯性测量组件在无安装基准时标定方法, 北京理工大学学报 2009/03 [7] 王子磊; 张滨; 何昆鹏; 佘亚军.船用捷联惯性系统的IMU测量模型优化研究, 舰船科学技术 2009/04 [8] 何昆鹏*; 程万娟; 高延滨; 梁海波. 虚拟陀螺技术在MEMS惯性导航系统中的应用 ,哈尔滨工程大学学报, 2009-10 [9] 张树侠;何昆鹏*. 陀螺仪性能参数表征与评定 ,导航与控制 ,2010-05 [10] 何昆鹏*; 吴俊伟; 梁海波.微型垂直基准仪的陀螺动态误差补偿, 兵工学报 2010/08 [11] 袁赣南; 梁海波; 何昆鹏; 谢燕军. MEMS陀螺随机漂移在线补偿技术, 北京航空航天大学学报 2010/12 [12] Gannan Yuan, Haibo Liang, Kunpeng He, Yanjun Xie. Rapid initial alignment and calibration for on-board inertial navigator[P]. Information and Automation (ICIA), 2010 IEEE International Conference on,2010. [13] Gannan Yuan, Haibo Liang, Kunpeng He, Yanjun Xie. Research on signal de-noising technique for MEMS gyro[P]. Systems and Control in Aeronautics and Astronautics (ISSCAA), 2010 3rd International Symposium on,2010. [14] 何昆鹏*; 曾建辉; 梁海波; 王曦.微型导航系统中的陀螺漂移在线标定及补偿方法, 哈尔滨工程大学学报2011/01 [15] 袁赣南; 梁海波; 何昆鹏; 谢燕军. MEMS陀螺随机漂移的状态空间模型分析及应用 传感技术学报 2011/06 [16] Dexin Xu,Kunpeng He,Yanhui Wei,Jiangpeng Zhao. Research on QFT controller design for LOS stabilization system of opto-electronic load for UAV[P]. Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), 2012 10th World Congress on,2012. [17] Kunpeng He*,Jitao Han,Yuping Shao. A Novel redundant inertial measurement unit and calibration algorithm[P]. ,2013. [18] Jianhui Zeng,Xingzhi Zhang,Kunpeng He,Huiyu Liu. A MEMS integrated navigation system based on DSP and FPGA[P]. ,2013. [19] 魏延辉; 周雪梅; 高延滨; 许德新; 何昆鹏.卓越模式——两阶段培养大员工实践创新能力模式的研究 ,公司产品论坛 ,2014-08 [20] 李绪友,于莹莹,孙波,何昆鹏.Realization of a broadband terahertz wavelength-selective coupling based on five-core fibers[J].Chinese Physics B,2014,23(08):640-645. [21] Xuyou Li,Bo Sun,Yingying Yu,Kunpeng He. Controllable wavelength-selective coupling of bending dual-core photonic crystal fiber[P]. Other Conferences,2014. [22] Miao Z Y , Shen F , Xu D J , et al. Online estimation method of Allan variance coefficients for MEMS IMU[J]. Journal of Instrumentation, 2014, 9(09):P09001-P09001. [23] He K P *, Shao Y P , Zhang L , et al. A Study on Fault Detection Method of Redundant Inertial Navigation System on Micro AUV[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014, 709:473-479. [24] Zhang X Z , He K P *, Wang C Y . Transfer Alignment for MEMS Integrated Navigation System Based on H∞ Filter[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014, 490-491:886-890. [25] 何昆鹏*; 王晓雪; 王刚; 韩继韬; 王晨阳.改进的自适应卡尔曼滤波在SINS初始对准中的应用,兵工自动化 ,2015-01 [26] 于玖成; 何昆鹏*; 王晓雪.SINS/DVL组合导航系统的标定 ,智能系统学报 ,2015-01 [27] 邵玉萍; 何昆鹏*.冗余MEMS-IMU误差补偿技术研究 ,应用科技 ,2015-03 [28] 周雪梅; 何昆鹏; 高延滨; 许德新; 魏延辉.测控技术专业“卓越”培养模式的构建,公司产品论坛 ,2015-04 [29] 韩云涛; 张晓宇; 何昆鹏. 创新类实验课程教学探索与实践 ,黑龙江教育(高教研究与评估) ,2015-05 [30] 何昆鹏*; 王晨阳; 王晓雪.基于高斯牛顿迭代的MIMU误差参数辨识 ,沈阳工业大学学报 ,2015-05 [31] 何昆鹏*; 王晓雪. 系泊状态下捷联惯导自对准算法,压电与声光 ,2015-08 [32] Miao Z , Shen F , Xu D , et al. Online Estimation of Allan Variance Coefficients Based on a Neural-Extended Kalman Filter[J]. Sensors, 2015, 15(2):2496-2524. [33] Sun B , Li X , Yu Y , et al. Bend and refractive index sensing based on the tuning fork fiber[J]. Optical Fiber Technology, 2015, 24:24-29. [34] 于莹莹,李绪友,孙波,何昆鹏.Design and optimization of terahertz directional coupler based on hybrid-cladding hollow waveguide with low confinement loss[J].Chinese Physics B,2015,24(06):672-676. [35] 高延滨; 胡守雷; 何昆鹏; 刘辉煜. 航姿参考系中磁传感器误差补偿的研究,哈尔滨工程大学学报,2015-09 [36] 何昆鹏*; 王晓雪.重力扰动对高精度惯性导航初始对准的影响与补偿 ,导航与控制 ,2015-10 [37] 于莹莹,李绪友,何昆鹏,孙波.Terahertz multi-metal-wire hybrid-cladding hollow waveguide for refractive index sensing[J].Chinese Physics B,2016,25(02):562-566. [38] 陈虹丽; 李强; 王子元; 何昆鹏*. 证据理论在学位论文网络评审中的应用 ,实验室科学, 2018-04-28 [39] 张力宁;徐旭;何昆鹏*. 一种应变片估计挠曲变形的快速传递对准方法,哈尔滨工程大学学报,2019-04 [40] 韩旭; 吕良良; 何昆鹏*.小型海洋环境监测平台设计,应用科技,2019-04 [41] 徐旭;何昆鹏*;张琳.在水池中精确测量潜器模型运动参数方法[J].哈尔滨工程大学学报,2020,41(7):1010-1015.