◇ 近期代表论文:
Liu, J.(刘进超,一作)*, Zhang, D.*, Yu, D., Ren, M., Xu, J., Machine learning powered ellipsometry, Light: Science & Applications, 2021.(Nature旗下物理/光学权威期刊,IF=20.257,PDF)
Liu, J.(刘进超,一作), Gibson, Stuart J., Mills, J., and Osadchy, M., Dynamic spectrum matching with one-shot learning, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, vol.184, pp.175-181, 2019.(化学信息学知名期刊,IF=4.175,PDF)
Liu, J.(刘进超,一作), Osadchy, M, Ashton, L., Foster, M., Solomon, C. J., and Gibson, S. J., Deep convolutional neural networks for Raman spectrum recognition: a unified solution, Analyst, vol. 142, pp. 4067-4074, 2017.(分析化学老牌知名期刊,IF=5.227,PDF)
Liu, J.(刘进超,一作), Fan, Z., Olsen, S., Christensen, K., and Kristensen, J., Boosting active contours for weld pool visual tracking in automatic arc welding, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol. 14, pp.1096-1108, 2017.(IEEE自动化科学与工程汇刊,IF=6.636,PDF)
Bai, F., Liu, J.*(刘进超,通讯), Liu, X., Osadchy M., Wang C., and Gibson S.J., LSHR-Net: a hardware-friendly solution for high-resolution computational imaging using a mixed-weights neural network, Neurocomputing, vol 406, pp.169-181, 2020.(神经网络知名期刊,IF=5.779,PDF)
◇ 指导员工论文:
1. Wu, Y.(吴英英,真实赌博软网站2021级硕士生,一作), Liu, J.*(刘进超,通讯), Wang, Y., Gibson, S., Osadchy, M., Y. Fang. TeaNet: Task-enhanced augmentation networks for few-shot infrared spectrum recognition. 2022. #吴英英同学,公司计算机学院2021届本科毕业生,推免读研#
◇ 近期合作论文:
1. J. Wei et al., Genetic U-Net: automatically designed deep networks for retinal vessel segmentation using a genetic algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 292-307, Feb. 2022.(医学图像处理权威期刊,IF=10.048,PDF)
2. C. K. Mididoddi et al., High-throughput photonic time-stretch optical coherence tomography with data compression, IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 1-15, Aug. 2017.(IEEE光学期刊,IF=2.443,PDF)
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