
2022年06月06日 10:58  点击:[]















研究结果曾发表在《IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control》,《Automatica》,《IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics》,《IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems》,《IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems》,《Knowledge-Based Systems》,《Information Sciences》,《Science in China》等重要国内外刊物上。目前已经在国内外学术刊物和重要会议上发表学术论文230余篇,其中被SCI检索论文110余篇,被EI检索刊物论文100余篇,被ISTP检索会议论文50余篇,发表文章被SCI引用2000余次。现为中国人工智能学会智能空天系统专业委员会委员、副秘书长,中国智能物联系统建模与仿真专业委员会委员,天津市系统工程学会理事,IEEE会员。












联系方式:lzhx@nankai.edu.cn (联系团队陈增强教授等教师也可以发邮件到此邮箱)



  1. 作为团队负责人,“智能控制与智能信息处理系统及应用创新团队”入选2019年天津市创新人才推进计划重点领域创新团队。

  2. 2005年获得天津自然科学二等奖,“智能预测自适应理论与应用研究”。


  1.  天津市自然基金面上项目,**1060,具有预设性能的故障多智能体系统容错一致性控制。

  2.  国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,**3200,具有聪慧领导的多智能体系统一致性协议设计与分析。

  3.  天津市自然基金面上项目,**17400,多智能体系统一致性与编队控制及其应用研究。

  4.  教育部,新世纪优秀人才支持计划,NCET-**。

  5.  国家自然科学基金委员会,青年基金项目,**4064,状态受限的多智能体系统一致性研究。

  6.  天津市科学技术委员会,天津市自然基金面上项目,**1700,存在约束的多智能体系统一致性研究。


  1.  国家科技部,重点研发计划项目,**7803,“下肢骨折精准复位手术与量化康复一体化机器人系统”课题三“基于骨愈合机理的主被动融合量化康复”。

  2.  天津市自然科学基金重点项目,**2800,基于复杂任务的多翼伞系统智能协同控制研究。

  3.  国家自然科学基金委员会,青年基金项目,具有紧迫度阈值的多智能体任务分配演化博弈动力学研究。

  4.  国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,**4094,非线性多智能体系统的分布式输出调节控制研究。

  5.  天津市自然基金重点项目,**5900,基于无线传感网络的智能信号处理与传输。

  6.  国家科技部,国家863基金项目,**Z132,基于智能信息处理的石油管输工艺评价自动化系统。

  7.  天津市自然基金重点项目,**1900,基于超混沌理论的网络视频流媒体加密技术研究。

  8.  国家自然科学基金面上项目,**4012,率相关滞后和纳米移动系统的高速、高精度移动控制算法。

  9.  国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,**4037,基于定量反馈理论(QFT)的预测控制系统的分析设计与应用。

  10.  国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,**4021,复杂系统智能预测控制及其在对焊热处理过程中的应用研究。


  1.  基于无线传感网络的多智能体试验系统[简称:基于无线网络的试验系统]V1.0。

  2.  多智能体系统仿真软件[简称:MAS仿真软件]V1.0。

  3.  具有远程控制功能的SIP协议仿真测试器软件V3.0。

  4.  基于SIP协议的IP仿真测试软件 V1.0。。

  5.  IP多媒体子系统仿真器 V2.0。

  6.  移动终端测试仿真器 V1.0。

  7.  对焊钻杆热处理预测控制系统软件 V1.0。

  8.  神经网络非线性预测控制仿真软件[简称:NNPCSSP]包V1.0。

  9.  基于可视化编程的油料管道输运工艺评价系统仿真平台软件。

  10.  基于图形化编辑的管道输运工艺评价实验方案设计系统软件。



  1. Yin Yanhui, Wang Fuyong, Liu Zhongxin, Chen Zengqiang. Finite-time leader-following consensus of multiagent systems with actuator faults and input saturation. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems. 2021, DOI: 10.1109/TSMC.2021.3064361. (SCI 大类一区,Top期刊, IF 13.451)

  2. Liang Shuang, Wang Fuyong, Liu Zhongxin, Chen Zengqiang. Necessary and sufficient conditions for leader-follower consensus of discrete-time multiagent systems with smart leader. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems. 2021, DOI: 10.1109/TSMC.2021.3055578. (SCI 大类一区Top期刊, IF 13.451)

  3. Liang Shuang, Wang Fuyong, Chen Zengqiang, Liu Zhongxin. Formation control for discrete-time heterogeneous multi-agent systems. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2022, 32(10): 5848-5865. SCI大类2区,应用数学小类1Top刊)

  4. Zhou Yingrui, Chen Zengqiang, Zhang Zhipeng, Ni Yuanhua, and Liu Zhongxin. A state space approach to decentralized fault SE-coprognosability of partially-observed discrete event systems. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2022.3165216. (SCI 大类一区Top期刊,IF 11.448)

  5. Zhu Rui, Chen Zengqiang, Zhang Jianlei, Liu Zhongxin. Strategy optimization of weighted networked evolutionary games with switched topologies and threshold. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2022, 235: 107644. (SCI 大类一区Top期刊,IF 8.038, SCI WOS:000718126500012, EI: 20214411086076)

  6. Malika Sader, Liu Zhongxin, Wang Fuyong, Chen Zengqiang. Distributed robust fault-tolerant consensus tracking control for multi-agent systems with exogenous disturbances under switching topologies. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, DOI: ‪10.1002/rnc.5913. SCI大类2区,应用数学小类1Top刊)

  7. Jiang Yunbiao, Liu Zhongxin Liu, Chen Zengqiang, Duan Feng. Error-constrained coordinated tracking control for high-order multiagent systems based on Barrier Lyapunov Function. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 2022, 20(4): 1238-1249 (SCI)

  8. Liu Zhongxin, Li Yangbo, Wang Fuyong, Chen Zengqiang. Reduced-order observer-based leader-following formation control for discrete-time linear multi-agent systems. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica. 2021, 8(10): 1715-1723. (SCI大类一区Top 期刊,IF 6.171, SCI WOS:000678335400013,EI 20204709506570)

  9.  Guo Linghui, Liu Zhongxin, Chen Zengqiang. A novel bilateral protocol in the bipartite network based on the public goods game. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2021, 214: 106721. (SCI大类一区IF 8.038, WOS:000618603300005, EI 20210209753050 )

  10. Malika Sader, Chen Zengqiang, Liu Zhongxin, Deng Chao. Distributed robust fault-tolerant consensus control for a class of nonlinear multi-agent systems with intermittent communications. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2021, 403: 126166. (WOS:000639134100011, EI 20211210126263) ( SCI 数学大类1Top期刊)

  11. Zhou Yingrui, Chen Zengqiang, Liu Zhongxin, Zhang Zhipeng. Three kinds of coprognosability for partially-observed discrete event systems via a matrix approach. Nonlinear Analysis-Hybrid Systems, 2021, 42: 101073. (SCI大类一区Top期刊,IF 6.163, SCI WOS:000701711900022, EI: 20212510544026)

  12. Yin Yanhui, Wang Fuyong, Liu Zhongxin, Chen Zengqiang. Fault-tolerant consensus for switched multiagent systems with input saturation. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. 2021, 31(11): 5047–5068. (SCI WOS:000637454300001, EI 20211510185318)(SCI工程大类2区,应用数学小类1)

  13. Malika Sader, Wang Fuyong, Liu Zhongxin, Chen Zengqiang. Distributed fuzzy fault-tolerant consensus of leader-follower multi-agent systems with mismatched uncertainties. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2021, 32(5): 1031–1040. (SCI WOS:000715663300004)

  14. Wang Fuyong, Liu Zhongxin, Chen Zengqiang. Sampled data based containment control of second-order multi-agent systems under intermittent communications. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering. 2021, 22(8): 1059-1067. (SCI WOS:000681165600002, EI 20213210749085)

  15. Jiang Yunbiao, Liu Zhongxin, Chen Zengqiang. Distributed fault-tolerant consensus tracking control for multiple Lagrangian systems with preset error bound constraints. Journal of the Franklin Institute. 2021, 358(14): 6994-7012. (SCI WOS:000691487700005, EI 20213110714813)

  16. Malika Sader, Wang Fuyong, Liu Zhongxin, Chen Zengqiang. Projective synchronization analysis for bam neural networks with time-varying delay via novel control. Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, 2021, 26(1), 41-56. (SCI WOS:000604976400003),

  17. Guo Linghui, Liu Zhongxin, Chen Zengqiang. The greedy crowd and smart leaders: a hierarchical strategy selection game with learning protocol. Science China-Information Sciences, 2021, 64(3): 132206. (SCI WOS:000620692200003, EI 20210809944784)

  18. Zhao Chen, Liu Zhongxin, Chen Zengqiang, Ning Yao. A novel krill herd algorithm with orthogonality and its application to data clustering. Intelligent Data Analysis 2021, 25(3):  605-626. (SCI WOS:000644439500008, EI 20211810299424)

  19. Wang Xingxia, Liu Zhongxin, Chen Zengqiang. Event-triggered fault-tolerant consensus control with control allocation in leader-following multi-agent systems. Science China-Technological Sciences. 2021, 64(4): 879-889. (SCI WOS:000607477200001 EI 20210309792494)

  20. Wang Fuyong, Ni Yuanhua, Liu Zhongxin, Chen Zengqiang. Containment control for general second-order multi-agent systems with switched dynamics. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 2020, 50(2): 550-560. (SCI 大类一区,Top期刊,IF 11.448, 2020年入选ESI高引论文)

  21. Wang Fuyong, Ni Yuanhua, Liu Zhongxin, Chen Zengqiang. Fully distributed containment control for second-order multi-agent systems with communication delay. ISA transactions. 2020, 99: 123-129. WOS:000527359300012, EI 20193907465031

  22. Yin Yanhui, Wang Fuyong, Liu Zhongxin, Chen Zengqiang. Finite/fixed-time consensus of nonlinear multi-agent systems against actuator faults and disturbances. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 2020, 42(16): 3254-3266. (SCI WOS:000563669400001, EI 20203509120790)

  23. Liu Zhongxin, Wang Xingxia, Wang Fuyong, Chen Zengqiang. Fault-tolerant consensus control with control allocation in a leader-following multi-agent system. Journal of the Franklin Institute-Engineering and Applied Mathematics, 2020, 357(14): 9614-9632. (SCI WOS:000577481300023, EI 20203309043483)

  24. Liang Shuang, Liu Zhongxin, Chen Zengqiang. Leader-following exponential consensus of discrete-time multi-agent systems with time-varying delay and intermittent communication. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems. 2020, 18(4): 944-954. (SCI WOS:000494791100014, EI 20194607697165)

  25. Liang Shuang, Liu Zhongxin, Chen Zengqiang. Leader-following H-infinity consensus of discrete-time nonlinear multi-agent systems based upon output feedback control. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control. 2020, 42(7): 1323-1333. (SCI WOS:000507045700001, EI 20200207985999)

  26. Wang Fuyong, Liu Zhongxin, Chen Zengqiang. Distributed containment control for second-order multi-agent systems with time delay and intermittent communication. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. 2018, 28(18): 5730-5746. (SCI中科院分区大类2区,应用数学小类1Top)

  27. Wang Fuyong, Liu Zhongxin, Chen Zengqiang. Leader-following consensus of second-order nonlinear multi-agent systems with intermittent position measurements, Science China-Information Sciences, 2019, 62(10): 202204. (SCI WOS:000484467100002, EI 20193607409244)

  28. Wang Fuyong, Liu Zhongxin, Chen Zengqiang. Containment control for second-order nonlinear multi-agent systems with aperiodically intermittent position measurements, Journal of the Franklin Institute -Engineering and Applied Mathematics, 2019, 356(15): 8706-8725. (SCI WOS:000487322200036)

  29. Wang Fuyong, Liu Zhongxin, Chen Zengqiang, Wang Sensen. Containment control for second-order nonlinear multi-agent systems with intermittent communications, International Journal of Systems Science, 2019, 50(5): 919-934. (SCI WOS:000471675800003, EI 20191806857561)

  30. Li Miao, Liu Zhongxin, Chen Zengqiang. Event-triggered consensus for multiple nonholonomic systems. Journal of Systems Science & Complexity. 2018, 31(5): 1227-1243. (SCI WOS:000441202600007, EI 20183305683752)

  31. Wang Fuyong, Liu Zhongxin, Chen Zengqiang. A novel leader-following consensus of multi-agent systems with smart leader. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems. 2018, 16(4): 1483-1492. (SCI WOS:000441017400001, EI 20182805542753)

  32. Han Xiaoguang, Chen Zengqiang, Liu Zhongxin, Zhang Qing. The detection and stabilisation of limit cycle for deterministic finite automata. International Journal of Control, 2018, 91(2): 874-886. (SCI WOS:000427861100010, EI: 20171003425041)

  33. Zhao Jiantao, Chen Zengqiang, Liu Zhongxin. Modeling and analysis of colored petri net based on the semi-tensor product of matrices. Science China-Information Sciences. 2018, 61(1): 010205. (SCI WOS:000423634400003, EI 20175104559337)

  34. Wang Fuyong, Yang Hongyong, Liu Zhongxin, Chen Zengqiang. Containment control of leader-following multi-agent systems with jointly-connected topologies and time-varying delays. Neurocomputing, 2017, 260: 341-348. (SCI: WOS:000405536900036, EI: 20172203711179)

  35. Ma Zhengguang, Liu Zhongxin, Chen Zengqiang. Modified leader-following consensus of time-delay multi-agent systems via sampled control and smart leader. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 2017, 15(6):2526-2537. (SCI: WOS:000417737300008, EI: 20174104258360) (2017).

  36. Wang YongkunLiu Zhongxin, Sun Mingwei, Chen Zengqiang. Adaptive Backstepping Attitude Control with Disturbance Rejection Subject to Amplitude and Rate Saturations of the Elevator. Journal of Aerospace Engineering.  2017, 20(3): 04016095. (SCI: WOS:000399890600013,1.107EI: 20171403543583)

  37. Han Xiaoguang, Chen Zengqiang, Liu Zhongxin, Zhang Qing. Calculation of Siphons and Minimal Siphons in Petri Nets Based on Semi-Tensor Product of Matrices. IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems. 2017, 47(3): 531-536. (SCI 大类一区Top期刊,IF 11.448,SCI: WOS:000396232000012 EI: 20171103430000)

  38. Zhang Jianlei, Chen Zengqian, Liu Zhongxin. Fostering cooperation of selfish agents through public goods in relation to the loners. Physical Review E. 2016, 93(3): 032320. (SCI: WOS:000372725500003, EI: 20161402194362)

  39. Ma Zhengguang, Liu Zhongxin, Chen Zengqiang. Leader-following consensus of multi-agent system with a smart leader. Neurocomputing, 2016, 214:401-408. (SCI: WOS:000386741300039, EI: 20162802578229)

  40. Li Bo, Chen Zeng-qiang, Liu Zhong-xin, Zhang Chun-yan, Zhang Qing. Containment control of multi-agent systems with fixed time-delays in fixed directed networks. Neurocomputing. 2016, 173: 2069-2075. (SCI WOS:000366879800164)











