

Nankai University International E-Forum on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics


l 202111月9日(周二)09:15-11:45        腾讯会议:537 291 029    


报告题目:Coordination and Control of Multi-Robot Systems

报告时间:2021年11月09日(周二)09:15a.m.~10:30a.m. (Beijing Time)

报告专家:胡国强 教授   新加坡南洋理工大学

报告摘要:Multi-robot systems have been advancing apace with the help of high-performance hardware and computational technologies. Despite the high-performance computing, communication, sensing, and power devices used in these systems, their effectiveness in uncertain environments appears to still fall behind the natural systems such as a swarm of ants, a flock of birds, or a team of wolves. One of the challenges in multi-robot coordination is the lack of effective distributed algorithms and designs that enable the robots to work cooperatively and safely in uncertain environments. This talk will first give a brief review of multi-robot systems, and then present some recent research results on distributed algorithms and control methods for multi-robot coordination. The research on this topic has a wide range of potential engineering applications, including surveillance and search, warehouse logistics, advanced manufacturing, and environment monitoring.

专家简介:胡国强本科毕业于中国科学技术大学(2002),在香港中文大学取得硕士学位(2004),在美国佛罗里达大学取得博士学位(2007)。现为新加坡南洋理工大学电子电气工程学院终身教授, 系统智能与效率研究中心(Centre for System Intelligence and Efficiency)主任。研究兴趣集中在分布式智能系统的分析,控制,设计与优化,以及在协作机器人系统及智能城市系统中的应用。长期从事分布式控制,分布式优化,及博弈论中的分布式算法研究。曾获第十四届IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation最佳自动化论文奖,第三十六届Chinese Control Conference最佳论文奖(关肇直奖)。参与组织国际学术会议多次,包括The 15th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV 2018) 的General Chair,The 16th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation (IEEE ICCA 2020) 的General Chair,以及The 62th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2023) 的Program Chair。现担任IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 以及 IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology的Associate Editor。曾任IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering的Associate Editor以及IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics的Technical Editor。


报告题目:Modeling and Control of Hysteresis Nonlinearities in Smart Actuators

报告时间:2021年11月09日(周二)10:30a.m.~11:45a.m. (Beijing Time)

报告专家:苏春翌 教授  加拿大康考迪亚大学

报告摘要:Smart actuators featuring high energy densities, large strokes and fast responses are playing an increasingly important role in micro/nano-positioning applications. However, hysteresis nonlinearities are very common in smart material-based actuators. For decades, the existence of such nonlinearities has provided one of the most difficult challenges to control design engineers since the entire Laplace domain and most state space control design techniques were developed exclusively for differentiable linear or nonlinear systems. Hence, the controllers were designed where the existence of hysteresis nonlinearities in practical systems were neglected. When the actuators are considered with hysteresis nonlinearities, these methods encountered substantial difficulties in the analysis, model fitting and control design stages. It was extremely difficult, if not impossible, to design or prove stability of such systems. The development of techniques for the identification of such nonlinearities in smart material-based actuators has emerged as a significant problem in itself. This talk is intended to discuss state-of-the-art solutions for modeling and control techniques of hysteresis effects in smart actuators. The presentation and discussion will range from modeling of hysteresis, to the design of corresponding control schemes, especially in the absence of complete information concerning the system model and state.

专家简介:Dr. Chun-Yi Su received his Ph.D. degrees in control engineering from South China University of Technology in 1990. After a seven-year stint at the University of Victoria, he joined Concordia University in 1998, where he is currently a Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and holds the Concordia Research Chair in Control. His research covers control theory and its applications to various mechanical systems, with a focus on control of systems involving hysteresis nonlinearities. He is the author or co-author of over 500 publications, which have appeared in journals, as book chapters and in conference proceedings. He has been identified as Highly Cited Researchers from the Web of Science Group.

Dr. Su has served as Associate Editor for several journals, including IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, and several other journals. He is a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE RA Society. He served for many conferences as an Organizing Committee Member, including the General Chairs and Program Chairs.